First get a Cheat Device that has a variety of searching like TempAR
Now Set Search Range lower then 0x08800000
why do you set it lower you want it to give you the least amount of codes so it can narrow it down to the hook
Now search 0x03E00008 in mips language that would be (jr ra)
This search should give you less than 100 take each code and remember the address of the code when you turn it on because IT WILL FREEZE YOU
when you're switching the code off and on set it at 0x00000000 in mips its (nop)
This code helps you write sub routines and other codes
Now Set Search Range lower then 0x08800000
why do you set it lower you want it to give you the least amount of codes so it can narrow it down to the hook
Now search 0x03E00008 in mips language that would be (jr ra)
This search should give you less than 100 take each code and remember the address of the code when you turn it on because IT WILL FREEZE YOU
when you're switching the code off and on set it at 0x00000000 in mips its (nop)
This code helps you write sub routines and other codes