a few codes i made. for mhp3
#great sword always max charge (subroutine)
;credit sdrawkcab
0x00004398 0x0a2002e8
0x00000ba0 0x3c080954
0x00000ba4 0x3c090048
0x00000ba8 0x25292000
0x00000bac 0xad091f10
0x00000bb0 0x03e00008
#great sword alway max charge
;credit sdrawkcab
0x00D41F10 0x003E0000
#pushed in the opposite direction your trying to go
;credit sdrawkcab
0x0167E010 0x095B697C
#weapon always out
;credit sdrawkcab
0x00D4158C 0x00000009
#weapon always in
;credit sdrawkcab
;you can attack but your weapon is invisible
0x00D4158C 0x00000000
#attack typ
;credit sdrawkcab
0x00D4149C 0x00D4149C
#fall half way in to ground
;credit sdrawkcab
0x0167E290 0x0959D724
#head bob (dance)
;credit sdrawkcab
0x0167FE10 0x0959FBE0
0x0167FD80 0x41D525EC
#flashing body
;credit sdrawkcab
0x01681150 0x0958FBE1
#fist pump
;credit sdrawkcab
0x0167F6C8 0x09590D080
#snap your spine
;credit sdrawkcab
0x0167E448 0xC1A00000
#floating legs
;this looks sick when you walk
;credit sdrawkcab
0x01680310 0x095A02E8
0x01680590 0x095A06AC
0x01680810 0x095A0AD0
0x01680A90 0x095A0C44
0x01680D10 0x095A10A0
0x01680D38 0x3F52BE10
0x01680F90 0x095A14C0
0x01681150 0x3F5E60FF
#boss (1) hp auto decrease
;credit sdrawkcab
0x00004398 0x080002eb
0x00000bac 0x3c0809e9
0x00000bb0 0x8d0920f4
0x00000bb4 0x240a0100
0x00000bb8 0x012a5822
0x00000bbc 0xad0b20f4
0x00000bc0 0x03e00008
#boss (1) hp address
;credit sdrawkcab
;starts at 0
0x016920F4 0x00000000
#time address
;credit sdrawkcab
;starts at 0
0x013AE1D8 0x00000000
#weapon sharpness address
;credit sdrawkcab
;starts at 0
0x00D42724 0x00000000
#great sword always max charge (subroutine)
;credit sdrawkcab
0x00004398 0x0a2002e8
0x00000ba0 0x3c080954
0x00000ba4 0x3c090048
0x00000ba8 0x25292000
0x00000bac 0xad091f10
0x00000bb0 0x03e00008
#great sword alway max charge
;credit sdrawkcab
0x00D41F10 0x003E0000
#pushed in the opposite direction your trying to go
;credit sdrawkcab
0x0167E010 0x095B697C
#weapon always out
;credit sdrawkcab
0x00D4158C 0x00000009
#weapon always in
;credit sdrawkcab
;you can attack but your weapon is invisible
0x00D4158C 0x00000000
#attack typ
;credit sdrawkcab
0x00D4149C 0x00D4149C
#fall half way in to ground
;credit sdrawkcab
0x0167E290 0x0959D724
#head bob (dance)
;credit sdrawkcab
0x0167FE10 0x0959FBE0
0x0167FD80 0x41D525EC
#flashing body
;credit sdrawkcab
0x01681150 0x0958FBE1
#fist pump
;credit sdrawkcab
0x0167F6C8 0x09590D080
#snap your spine
;credit sdrawkcab
0x0167E448 0xC1A00000
#floating legs
;this looks sick when you walk
;credit sdrawkcab
0x01680310 0x095A02E8
0x01680590 0x095A06AC
0x01680810 0x095A0AD0
0x01680A90 0x095A0C44
0x01680D10 0x095A10A0
0x01680D38 0x3F52BE10
0x01680F90 0x095A14C0
0x01681150 0x3F5E60FF
#boss (1) hp auto decrease
;credit sdrawkcab
0x00004398 0x080002eb
0x00000bac 0x3c0809e9
0x00000bb0 0x8d0920f4
0x00000bb4 0x240a0100
0x00000bb8 0x012a5822
0x00000bbc 0xad0b20f4
0x00000bc0 0x03e00008
#boss (1) hp address
;credit sdrawkcab
;starts at 0
0x016920F4 0x00000000
#time address
;credit sdrawkcab
;starts at 0
0x013AE1D8 0x00000000
#weapon sharpness address
;credit sdrawkcab
;starts at 0
0x00D42724 0x00000000