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    Post: #1Sun Jan 15, 2012 12:23 am




    Games journalist Jim Sterling has apparently gotten an e-mailfrom The White House, as a response to petitions standing against SOPA. I wrote about my views on SOPA earlier today and I’m happy to hear that the Obama Administration’s views on SOPA are quite similar to mine.

    They say that they call on ‘all sides to work together to pass sound legislation this year’ that will help prevent piracy and give rights holders tools to prosecute while still ‘staying true’ to the principles outlined in the e-mail, which talk about how the internet serves the world and businesses due to it’s openness, and how its architecture shouldn't be changed.

    The e-mail goes on to talk about how Washington is needs public input on where to take things from here. Interestingly, they write that the organizer of the petition and a random sample of the signers will be invited to a conference call to discuss this issue with the Administration, followed by an ‘online event’ to get more input and answer the public’s questions. Details of these events will ‘follow in the coming days’.

    This SOPA thing has gotten bigger than most of us thought it would, but it’s about time the issue is brought to serious discussions.

    I want privacy, but also for the media industries to stop getting ripped apart by piracy.

    If we look at games, film and music, all three have multi-million dollar-making products that are international hits. Call Of Duty, Avatar and Lady Gaga may be making the millions, but it’s their competition that spirals downwards due to piracy.

    As always, looking forward to your thoughts, people!


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