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Legends of Medal of honor:Heores 2.. Never forgotten RiP in piece

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    Post: #1Thu Aug 04, 2011 10:52 pm




    #ANTI VT
    0x006327D0 0x00000001

    #Ghost Name
    0x00658b7c 0x00000000
    0x00658b80 0x00000000
    0x00658b84 0x00000000
    0x00658b88 0x00000000

    #cant get deleted while online
    ;enable in game(not before game)
    ;disable before you leve
    ;Credit to Brian_xXx
    0x28D85F84 0x00000001
    0x28E3A524 0x00000000
    0x28E3A81C 0x00000001

    #!!Real Infinite Health
    0xFFFFFFFF 0x006286DC
    0x000004C4 0x7FFFFFFF
    0x0000252C 0x00000000

    #!!Infinite Stamina
    0xFFFFFFFF 0x006286DC
    0x00002168 0x42C80000

    #!!Inf Ammo
    0x006369D8 0x00010001
    0x006369E4 0x01010101

    #!!Flash Only For Run
    0x00180550 0x4080

    0x0016ADC0 0x40A0

    #Super Flash
    0x0016adc0 0x3c044100

    #!!Mohh2 Imposter Name[BadHaxers2]
    0x00658b7c 0x48646142
    0x00658b80 0x72657861
    0x00658b84 0x00003273
    0x00658b88 0x00000000

    #!rapid fire with a boom
    0x001BF714 0x0A3836FF
    0x0060DBFC 0x3C1908E4
    0x0060DC00 0x8F39B310
    0x0060DC04 0x8F380004
    0x0060DC08 0x1B200006
    0x0060DC0C 0x3C0FBC28
    0x0060DC10 0x35EF9EAE
    0x0060DC14 0xAF0F01F4
    0x0060DC18 0x3C0E0001
    0x0060DC1C 0x35CE0000
    0x0060DC20 0xAF0E0220
    0x0060DC24 0x03E00008
    0x006369D8 0x00010001
    0x006369E4 0x01010101
    0x0020C96C 0xAE100278
    0x0020C92C 0xAE000230
    0x0020CB74 0x00000000
    0x00BBA3FC 0x5333D1EB
    0x00BBA37C 0x5333D1EB

    0xFFFFFFFF 0x006286DC
    0x000004C4 0xFFFF0000

    0x001BF714 0x0A383400
    0x0060D000 0x3C0808E3
    0x0060D004 0x8D0886DC
    0x0060D008 0x3C093E80
    0x0060D00C 0x3C0A08DD
    0x0060D010 0x8D4A3068
    0x0060D014 0x240B0001
    0x0060D018 0x154B0007
    0x0060D01C 0x00000000
    0x0060D020 0xC5020078
    0x0060D024 0x44891800
    0x0060D028 0x46031100
    0x0060D02C 0xE5040078
    0x0060D030 0x10000008
    0x0060D034 0x00000000
    0x0060D038 0x240B0100
    0x0060D03C 0x154B0007
    0x0060D040 0x00000000
    0x0060D044 0xC5020078
    0x0060D048 0x44891800
    0x0060D04C 0x46031101
    0x0060D050 0xE5040078
    0x0060D054 0x10000001
    0x0060D058 0x00000000
    0x0060D05C 0x3C0C1102
    0x0060D060 0x358C0344
    0x0060D064 0xAD0C0290
    0x0060D068 0x3C0D3F80
    0x0060D06C 0x35AD0000
    0x0060D070 0xAD0D0488
    0x0060D074 0x3C0E08A4
    0x0060D078 0x3C0F3C04
    0x0060D07C 0x35EF0000
    0x0060D080 0xADCF005C
    0x0060D084 0x3C180897
    0x0060D088 0x3C193C04
    0x0060D08C 0x373940A0
    0x0060D090 0xAF19ADC0
    0x0060D094 0x03E00008

    #Rocket/Nade Heat Seaker
    0x00080CBC 0x0a200500
    0x00001400 0x3c080880
    0x00001404 0x8d093ffc
    0x00001408 0x15200004
    0x00001410 0x3c0a08e2
    0x00001414 0x354a86e0
    0x00001418 0xad0a3ffc
    0x0000141c 0x8d093ffc
    0x00001420 0x8d290000
    0x00001424 0x1120000c
    0x0000142c 0x3c0a08e3
    0x00001430 0x8d4a865c
    0x00001434 0x8d4a0010
    0x00001438 0x1140000e
    0x00001440 0x8d2b0070
    0x00001444 0x8d2c0074
    0x00001448 0x8d2d0078
    0x0000144c 0xad4bfee8
    0x00001450 0xad4cfeec
    0x00001454 0xad4dfef0
    0x00001458 0x8d093ffc
    0x0000145c 0x21290004
    0x00001460 0xad093ffc
    0x00001464 0x8d290000
    0x00001468 0x15200002
    0x00001470 0xad003ffc
    0x00001474 0x10000003
    0x0000147c 0x03e00008
    0x00001484 0x3c0808e3
    0x00001488 0x3c090001
    0x0000148c 0x35290001
    0x00001490 0xad0969d8
    0x00001494 0x3c0808a1
    0x00001498 0x3c093c08
    0x0000149c 0x3529c77a
    0x000014a0 0xad09c944
    0x000014a4 0x3c093508
    0x000014a8 0x3529845c
    0x000014ac 0xad09c948
    0x000014b0 0x3c093c09
    0x000014b4 0x35290001
    0x000014b8 0xad09c94c
    0x000014bc 0x3c093529
    0x000014c0 0xad09c950
    0x000014c4 0x3c09ae08
    0x000014c8 0x352901fc
    0x000014cc 0xad09c954
    0x000014d0 0x3c09ae09
    0x000014d4 0x35290228
    0x000014d8 0xad09c958
    0x000014dc 0x3c0803e0
    0x000014e0 0x35080008
    0x000014e4 0x3c090893
    0x000014e8 0xad28a628
    0x000014ec 0x3c090891
    0x000014f0 0xad283b74
    0x000014f4 0x03e00008

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