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Legends of Medal of honor:Heores 2.. Never forgotten RiP in piece

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    Post: #1Wed Jun 13, 2012 12:46 pm



    Senior Member

    well here's a few new sfls codes enjoy.

    3 point mark & recall


    #3 point mark & recall
    ;credit sdrawkcab
    ;mark 1 = select + down
    ;recall 1 = select + up
    ;mark 2 = L + down
    ;recall 2 = L + up
    ;mark 3 = R + down
    ;recall 3 = R + up
    0x00001000 0x3c0808e6
    0x00001004 0x8d082bc4
    0x00001008 0x3c0908e5
    0x0000100c 0x8d295658
    0x00001010 0x8d290058
    0x00001014 0x3c0a0880
    0x00001018 0x240b0011
    0x0000101c 0x240c0041
    0x00001020 0x240d0110
    0x00001024 0x240e0140
    0x00001028 0x240f0210
    0x0000102c 0x24180240
    0x00001030 0x150b0007
    0x00001034 0x00000000
    0x00001038 0x8d591250
    0x0000103c 0xad390040
    0x00001040 0x8d591254
    0x00001044 0xad390044
    0x00001048 0x8d591258
    0x0000104c 0xad390048
    0x00001050 0x150c0007
    0x00001054 0x00000000
    0x00001058 0x8d390040
    0x0000105c 0xad591250
    0x00001060 0x8d390044
    0x00001064 0xad591254
    0x00001068 0x8d390048
    0x0000106c 0xad591258
    0x00001070 0x150d0007
    0x00001074 0x00000000
    0x00001078 0x8d591500
    0x0000107c 0xad390040
    0x00001080 0x8d591504
    0x00001084 0xad390044
    0x00001088 0x8d591508
    0x0000108c 0xad390048
    0x00001090 0x150e0007
    0x00001094 0x00000000
    0x00001098 0x8d390040
    0x0000109c 0xad591500
    0x000010a0 0x8d390044
    0x000010a4 0xad591504
    0x000010a8 0x8d390048
    0x000010ac 0xad591508
    0x000010b0 0x150f0007
    0x000010b4 0x00000000
    0x000010b8 0x8d591750
    0x000010bc 0xad390040
    0x000010c0 0x8d591754
    0x000010c4 0xad390044
    0x000010c8 0x8d591758
    0x000010cc 0xad390048
    0x000010d0 0x15180007
    0x000010d4 0x00000000
    0x000010d8 0x8d390040
    0x000010dc 0xad591750
    0x000010e0 0x8d390044
    0x000010e4 0xad591754
    0x000010e8 0x8d390048
    0x000010ec 0xad591758
    0x000010f0 0x03e00008
    0x00041188 0x0a200400

    kill all players (thanks x uni for helping undma the first 4)


    #player suicide
    ;credit sdrawkcab
    0xFFFFFFFF 0x0065d86c
    0x000003d0 0x00000000
    #player suicide 2
    ;credit sdrawkcab
    0xFFFFFFFF 0x0065d878
    0x000003d0 0x00000000
    #player suicide 3 (you)
    0xFFFFFFFF 0x00655658
    0x000003d0 0x00000000
    #player suicide 4
    ;credit sdrawkcab
    0xFFFFFFFF 0x0065D884
    0x000003d0 0x00000000
    #player suicide 5
    ;credit sdrawkcab
    0xFFFFFFFF 0x0065D890
    0x000003d0 0x00000000
    #player suicide 6
    ;credit sdrawkcab
    0xFFFFFFFF 0x0065D89C
    0x000003d0 0x00000000
    #player suicide 7
    ;credit sdrawkcab
    0xFFFFFFFF 0x0065D8A8
    0x000003d0 0x00000000
    #player suicide 8
    ;credit sdrawkcab
    0xFFFFFFFF 0x0065D8B4
    0x000003d0 0x00000000

    bright white players (much better then thermal use edsu goggles)


    #player bright white
    ;credit sdrawkcab
    0xFFFFFFFF 0x0065d86c
    0x000002c 0x000054ab
    #player bright white 2
    ;credit sdrawkcab
    0xFFFFFFFF 0x0065d878
    0x0000002c 0x000054ab
    #player bright white 3 (you)
    0xFFFFFFFF 0x00655658
    0x000002c 0x000054ab
    #player bright white 4
    ;credit sdrawkcab
    0xFFFFFFFF 0x0065D884
    0x000002c 0x000054ab
    #player bright white 5
    ;credit sdrawkcab
    0xFFFFFFFF 0x0065D890
    0x000002c 0x000054ab
    #player bright white 6
    ;credit sdrawkcab
    0xFFFFFFFF 0x0065D89C
    0x000002c 0x000054ab
    #player bright white 7
    ;credit sdrawkcab
    0xFFFFFFFF 0x0065D8A8
    0x000002c 0x000054ab
    #player bright white 8
    ;credit sdrawkcab
    0xFFFFFFFF 0x0065D8B4
    0x000002c 0x000054ab

    players burn/fall/nothing this is a weird code it makes some people burn to death. it dos nothing to others and for some in makes them fall and not be able to get up intell you turn off the code


    #player burn/fall/nothing
    ;credit sdrawkcab
    0xFFFFFFFF 0x0065d86c
    0x0000067c 0x00000000
    #player burn/fall/nothing 2
    ;credit sdrawkcab
    0xFFFFFFFF 0x0065d878
    0x0000067c 0x00000000
    #player burn/fall/nothing 3 (you)
    0xFFFFFFFF 0x00655658
    0x0000067c 0x00000000
    #player burn/fall/nothing 4
    ;credit sdrawkcab
    0xFFFFFFFF 0x0065D884
    0x0000067c 0x00000000
    #player burn/fall/nothing 5
    ;credit sdrawkcab
    0xFFFFFFFF 0x0065D890
    0x0000067c 0x00000000
    #player burn/fall/nothing 6
    ;credit sdrawkcab
    0xFFFFFFFF 0x0065D89C
    0x0000067c 0x00000000
    #player burn/fall/nothing 7
    ;credit sdrawkcab
    0xFFFFFFFF 0x0065D8A8
    0x0000067c 0x00000000
    #player burn/fall/nothing 8
    ;credit sdrawkcab
    0xFFFFFFFF 0x0065D8B4
    0x0000067c 0x00000000

    Post: #2Wed Jun 13, 2012 6:09 pm



    Senior Member

    the burn/fall/nothing looks epic... Shocked
    good job


    Post: #3Thu Jun 14, 2012 10:37 am



    Senior Member

    Brian-1337- wrote:the burn/fall/nothing looks epic... Shocked
    good job

    yea thats a fun one i just wish i could control the code so that i could only make players burn when i wanted and fall when i wanted. the weird thing is the codes become very unstable when you put them in subroutine form. when i try to joker them the freeze if i hold the joker button for more then like one second. its kinda strange. let me know if you have any ideas (i already tried delay)

    Post: #4Thu Jun 14, 2012 11:18 am



    Senior Member

    Joker kill all enemies -__- it's whack the way you have it right now! :D

    Post: #5Thu Jun 14, 2012 4:59 pm



    Senior Member

    FoodFx wrote:Joker kill all enemies -__- it's whack the way you have it right now! new codes (mark & recall + players die) (SFLS) 364988687

    yea thats a fun one i just wish i could control the code so that i could only make players burn when i wanted and fall when i wanted. the weird thing is the codes become very unstable when you put them in subroutine form. when i try to joker them the freeze if i hold the joker button for more then like one second. its kinda strange. let me know if you have any ideas (i already tried delay)

    Post: #6Thu Jun 14, 2012 6:24 pm



    Senior Member

    let me see the your subroutine on mips form.


    Post: #7Fri Jun 15, 2012 3:36 am

    Sys Req

    Sys Req

    Senior Member

    teach me how to make mark and recall for SFLS plzzzzzzzzzz

    Post: #8Sun Jun 17, 2012 9:11 pm



    Senior Member

    Demon_Fire wrote:teach me how to make mark and recall for SFLS plzzzzzzzzzz

    just made this on the spot so their might be some mistakes
    lui t0 $XXXX//first half controller address (real adressing)
    lw t0 $XXXX(t0)//second half controller address
    lui t1 $XXXX//first half button value (recall)
    addiu t1 t1 $XXXX//second half button value (recall)
    lui t2 $XXXX//first half button value (mark)
    addiu t2 t2 $XXXX//second half button value (mark)
    lui t3 $XXXX//first half coordinate pointer (real addressing)
    lw t3 $XXXX(t3)//second half coordinate pointer
    beq t3 zero $XXXXXXXX//jr ra
    lui t4 $XXXX//first half noped address (real addressing)
    bne t0 t1 $XXXXXXXX//next bne
    lw t5 $XXXX(t4)//second half nop address 1
    sw t5 $XXXX(t3)//coordinate offset X
    lw t5 $XXXX(t4)//second half nop address 2
    sw t5 $XXXX(t3)//coordinate offset Y
    lw t5 $XXXX(t4)//second half nop address 3
    sw t5 $XXXX(t3)//coordinate offset Z
    bne t0 t2 $XXXXXXXX//jr ra
    lw t5 $XXXX(t3)//coordinate offset X
    sw t5 $XXXX(t4)//second half nop address 1
    lw t5 $XXXX(t3)//coordinate offset Y
    sw t5 $XXXX(t4)//second half nop address 2
    lw t5 $XXXX(t3)//coordinate offset X
    sw t5 $XXXX(t4)//second half nop address 3
    jr ra

    Last edited by sdrawkcab on Mon Jun 18, 2012 2:00 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Post: #9Mon Jun 18, 2012 3:34 am

    Sys Req

    Sys Req

    Senior Member

    damn ya ok

    Post: #10Mon Jun 18, 2012 8:41 am



    Senior Member

    sdrawkcab wrote:lui t0 $XXXX//first half controller address (real adressing)
    lw t0 $XXXX(t0)//second half controller address
    lui t1 $XXXX//first half button value (mark)
    addiu t1 t1 $XXXX//second half button value (mark)
    lui t2 $XXXX//first half button value (recall)
    addiu t2 t2 $XXXX//second half button value (recall)
    lui t3 $XXXX//first half coordinate pointer (real addressing)
    lw t3 $XXXX(t3)//second half coordinate pointer
    beq t3 zero $XXXXXXXX//jr ra
    lui t4 $XXXX//first half noped address (real addressing)
    bne t0 t1 $XXXXXXXX//next bne
    lw t5 $XXXX(t4)//second half nop address 1
    sw t5 $XXXX(t3)//coordinate offset X
    lw t5 $XXXX(t4)//second half nop address 2
    sw t5 $XXXX(t3)//coordinate offset Y
    lw t5 $XXXX(t4)//second half nop address 3
    sw t5 $XXXX(t3)//coordinate offset Z
    bne t0 t2 $XXXXXXXX//jr ra
    lw t5 $XXXX(t3)//coordinate offset X
    sw t5 $XXXX(t4)//second half nop address 1
    beq t5 zero $XXXXXXXX//jr ra
    lw t5 $XXXX(t3)//coordinate offset Y
    sw t5 $XXXX(t4)//second half nop address 2
    lw t5 $XXXX(t3)//coordinate offset X
    sw t5 $XXXX(t4)//second half nop address 3
    jr ra

    1 - Why there is (beq t5 zero $XXXXXXXX//jr ra) after the (sw t5 $XXXX(t4)//second half nop address 1).
    Is it to cancel if there is no coordinates = means death, etc...? if so then you must also put the sw of "offset X" to branched area.
    2 - "t1" = must be recall | "t2" = must be mark

    the rest is looks fine to me, you starting to use delay slot now. cheers
    good work new codes (mark & recall + players die) (SFLS) 1134330701


    Post: #11Mon Jun 18, 2012 1:59 pm



    Senior Member

    yea it was to check if the coords where not marked in the nop zone. ah can't cant believe i didn't notice that second one ._.
    well thanks man its great to a knowledgeable person here who's always willing to help (: rep+

    Post: #12

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