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Legends of Medal of honor:Heores 2.. Never forgotten RiP in piece

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    Post: #1Sat Feb 04, 2012 12:06 am



    Senior Member

    this was the first game i made codes for so dont expect anything great here.

    #cant shoot + lock players
    ;credit sdrawkcab
    ;no one moves on your screen (you can still move)
    ;you can still shoot with your eppd
    ;might be near the shooting function
    0x001F7FE8 0x03E00008

    #no knee shot fall
    ;credit sdrawkcab
    0x00411470 0x03E00008

    #flame epdd
    ;credit sdrawkcab
    0x004104B8 0x03E00008

    #Edit text
    ;edit first message in chatbox
    ;edit ASCII to change what it says
    ;credit sdrawkcab
    0x0078FD30 0x00000000
    0x0078FD34 0x00000000
    0x0078FD38 0x00000000
    0x0078FD3C 0x00000000
    0x0078FD40 0x00000000
    0x0078FD44 0x00000000
    0x0078FD48 0x00000000
    0x0078FD4C 0x00000000
    0x0078FD50 0x00000000

    #melee boot (Subroutine‬)
    ;‪Subroutine‬ by sdrawkcab
    ;original code by sonnie
    0x000060A8 0x0800010d
    0x00000434 0x3c080897
    0x00000438 0x3c0903e0
    0x0000043c 0x35290008
    0x00000440 0xad096b64
    0x00000444 0x03e00008

    #set inf mines
    ;credit sdrawkcab
    0x0095A1C4 0x0000FFFF
    0x00E913FC 0x0000FFFF

    #cant set any mines
    ;credit sdrawkcab
    0x0095A1C4 0x00000000
    0x00E913FC 0x00000000

    #ar-15 stabber
    ;one shot kill
    ;kill type : stabbed
    ;bullets are invisible
    ;shoots multiple bullets
    ;credit sdrawkcab
    0x00793F88 0x00000009
    0x00794004 0x00000015
    0x00793F84 0x0000000D
    0x00794020 0x00FFFFFF
    0x00794024 0x00FFFFFF
    0x00794028 0x00FFFFFF
    0x00269188 0x00000000
    0x00794008 0x3D800000

    #action roll in any direction + you can stand up
    0xFFFFFFFF 0x065A968
    0x00000428 0x0F000000

    #shoot yourself
    ;stick to wall first
    ;works best with pistols
    ;credit sdrawkcab
    0xFFFFFFFF 0x065A968
    0x00000420 0x00E00000

    #Colored Keyboard
    ;credit demon450 for making demons kb
    ;edited by sdrawkcab
    ;just the colors all the symbols are regular
    ;DMA after game
    ;turn on before you log on
    ;no cuss censor
    0x00657EBC 0x00110031
    0x00657EC8 0x00120032
    0x00657ED4 0x00130033
    0x00657EE0 0x00140034
    0x00657EEC 0x00150035
    0x00657EF8 0x00160036
    0x00657F04 0x00170037
    0x00657F10 0x00100038
    0x00657F1C 0x00020039
    0x00E84AB4 0xFF0000FF
    0x00E85224 0xFF0086FF
    0x00E85464 0xFF00FF00
    0x00E854F4 0xFF00FFFF
    0x00E857C4 0xFF00FF00
    0x00E85854 0xFFFFFF00
    0x00E858E4 0xFF0FF0FF
    0x00E85974 0xCCCCCCCC
    0x00E85A04 0xFF0000FF
    0x00E85A94 0xFF005AFF
    0x00E85B24 0xFFCCCCCC
    0x00E85BB4 0xFFFFFFFF
    0x00E85C44 0xFF000000

    #M16k super weird shooting
    ;you can lose your head
    ;use this with rapid fire & inf ammo
    0x0078C72F 0xFF

    #Flash Bang Burns
    ;credit sdrawkcab
    0x0078C358 0x04

    #small centered screen
    ;credit sdrawkcab
    ;this is hella weird in game
    0x006E91E8 0x3F000000
    0x006E91EC 0x3F000000

    #Flame throw M16k
    0x0078C7C8 0x00000014

    #Electric blaster M16K
    0x0078C7C8 0x00000035

    #EMP M16k
    0x0078C7C8 0x00000025

    #NUKE M16k
    0x0078C7C8 0x000000A5

    #ar-15 kill = burned
    0x00793F88 0x04

    #ar-15 kill = stabbed
    0x00793F88 0x09

    #ar-15 kill = gassed
    0x00793F88 0x05

    #ar-15 kill = blasted
    0x00793F88 0x14

    #unable to join game
    ;the message will just pop on screen
    ;active in lobby
    ;credit sdrawkcab
    0x0132E20C 0x00000000

    #veiw players in chat room 1
    ;credit sdrawkcab
    ;join any cr besides one & turn on
    ;if i dosnt work join another cr with the code still activated
    ;basicly this allows to veiw all the players in cr1 with out being in cr 1
    ;great for pm spamming
    0x015BEB60 0x00000001
    0x015BEC24 0x000000CF
    0x0132E264 0x000000CF

    #cant load message board
    ;credit sdrawkcab
    0x01578B74 0x00000000
    0x01578B78 0x00000000

    #no message board
    ;press select (home) to start
    ;credit sdrawkcab
    0x01578B74 0xFFFFFFFF
    0x01578B78 0xFFFFFFFF

    #no players in lobby
    ;credit sdrawkcab
    0x00BE988 0x00000000

    #weird message board
    ;credit sdrawkcab
    ;this is a very weird code some times i moves people messages to other threads
    ;sometimes all subjects get deleted
    0x006768B4 0x00000100

    #chat room replaced with white screen
    ;credit sdrawkcab
    0x0132E0CC 0x00000010

    #chat room replaced with blackscreen
    ;credit sdrawkcab
    0x0132E0CC 0x00000000

    -making & joining games-

    #all host options locked
    ;credit sdrawkcab
    0x01301E8C 0x000000AB
    0x0130266C 0x000000AB
    0x01302FAC 0x000000AB
    0x013016AC 0x000000AB

    #all host options unlocked
    ;credit sdrawkcab
    ;unlock locked options in ranked games
    0x01301E8C 0x000000AF
    0x0130266C 0x000000AF
    0x01302FAC 0x000000AF
    0x013016AC 0x000000AF

    #no disconnecting message when leaving games
    ;credit sdrawkcab
    0x00E88608 0xFFFFFFFF

    #disconnect option at join
    ;credit sdrawkcab
    ;if you host the game your self it says error game has already started
    ;but it still lets you in to your game
    0x00E88608 0x00000026

    #cannot leave games
    ;anti kick?
    ;credit sdrawkcab
    0x00E8860C 0x00000000

    #leave game message lock
    ;credit sdrawkcab
    0x00E8860C 0x00000002

    #highlighter cant move (picking game) on
    ;credit sdrawkcab
    0x01307BEC 0x00000000

    #highlighter no move (picking game) off
    ;credit sdrawkcab
    0x01307BEC 0x00000002

    #space in-between games
    ;credit sdrawkcab
    0x01307BF0 0x00000015

    #all games bunched together
    ;credit sdrawkcab
    0x01307BF0 0x00000000

    #thinks there are 30 games
    ;credit sdrawkcab
    0x01307BE0 0x00000030

    #thinks there are 0 games
    ;credit sdrawkcab
    0x01307BE0 0x00000000

    #errors lock
    ;credit sdrawkcab
    0x00E88618 0x00000000

    -in game-

    #cant move
    ;press and hold L to move
    0x00F46B24 0x00000000

    #head shot boot
    ;credit sdrawkcab
    ;you get a head shot, you freeze
    0x0010D78C 0x03E00008

    #flickering pid
    ;credit sdrawkcab
    ;works in both day & night
    0x007505F4 0x00000000
    0x007505F8 0x00000000
    0x007505FC 0x00000000
    0x00750560 0x00000000

    #lock pid light
    ;credit sdrawkcab
    ;only works in clear day maps
    00E90D68 0x00000000

    #pid extrem flash
    ;credit sdrawkcab
    ;only works in clear day maps
    0x00F21D10 0x5F000000

    #every thing on the ground lights up
    ;credit sdrawkcab
    ;turn pid on then off
    ;only works in clear day maps
    0x00F7FD4C 0x18000003


    #mild gray [on]
    ;changes screen brightness to create a very cool effect
    ;credit sdrawkcab
    0x006E90F0 0x3F400000
    0x006E90F4 0x3F100000

    #mild gray [off]
    ;credit sdrawkcab
    0x006E90F0 0x00000000
    0x006E90F4 0x00000000

    #clean game [on]
    ;credit sdrawkcab
    ;no text/pictures
    0x006E903 0x478FFF00

    #clean game [off]
    ;credit sdrawkcab
    0x006E903 0x478FFF00

    #barrel nuke explosion
    ;credit sdrawkcab
    0x00716198 0x000000A5

    #barrel gas explosion
    ;credit sdrawkcab
    0x00716198 0x0000000C

    #barrel emp explosion
    ;credit sdrawkcab
    0x00716198 0x00000042

    #barrel no explosion
    ;credit sdrawkcab
    0x00716198 0xFFFFFFFF

    Post: #2Sat Feb 04, 2012 12:08 am



    Elite Member

    Seems good for someone first

    Post: #3Sat Feb 04, 2012 12:09 am



    Senior Member

    Fragon wrote:Seems good for someone first

    haha, thanks there OK i gusse.

    Post: #4

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