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    Post: #1Fri Apr 13, 2012 8:38 pm



    Senior Member


    what you need
    -ram dump
    -controller address
    -a code to joker

    finding your controller address :

    note : make sure your cheat device is on pause game : true

    1) hold down one of the button listed below and search that exact value in hex. for this example we will be using "R" hold "R" and search "200" in hex. then let go and search "0" repeat until you only have a few results

    2) for some games this method dosnt work, if you are playing a game where it dosnt work do this. search for an unknown value then hold down your select button and search great. then let go and search less repeat until you only have a few results

    Select button = 0001
    Start button = 0008
    Up D-Pad button = 0010
    Right D-Pad button = 0020
    Down D-Pad button = 0040
    Left D-Pad button = 0080
    Left trigger = 0100
    Right trigger = 0200
    Triangle button = 1000
    Circle button = 2000
    Cross button = 4000
    Square button = 8000

    finding your hook :

    1) search "03e00008" in hex copy the results in to your cheat browser and nop them one at a time. when one of them freezes that means you have an active hook. label it or write it down because that's the hook your going to use

    the "negative rule" :

    if the last 16bits of the code you are jokering are above 7f80 you most add 1 to the first 16 bits

    example 1: 0x0881ffff
    because ffff greater then 7f80 you must add one to "0881" so your end code would look like :

    example 2: 0x08810000
    0000 is less then 7f80 so in this case you dont have to do anything

    real and fake addressing:

    to convert a code to real address you just add "08800000" to it you can use a hex calculator to do this

    the reason you need to put the code in real addressing is because psp addressing really starts at "08800000" not "00000000"
    cheat devices like nite just start at "00000000" to make it easy for you or to make the code look cleaner.

    opening & taking your ram dump :

    here's how to take a ram dump simply go to options extras ect then go to the ramdump option and pick a slot then press X and your done.

    opening your ramdump is simply open psp2dis then go to the open option scroll down and select your ramdump once you get it a box will pop on the screen, make sure it address's from "08800000"

    finding your nop cave :

    a nop cave is just a ton of address grouped to gather that all have a value of "0"
    a common nop cave is "08801000"

    here are our mips templates

    if you have a regular code


    lui t0 $XXXX //First half of controller address (real addressing)
    lw t0 $XXXX(t0) //2nd half of controller address
    addiu t1 zero $XXXX //Activate button value
    addiu t2 zero $XXXX // Deactivate button value
    bne t0 t1 $Next bne
    lui t3 $XXXX //1st half of your code address (real addressing)
    lui t4 $XXXX //1st half of your code's ON value
    ori t4 t4 $XXXX //2nd half of your code's ON value
    sw t4 $XXXX(t3) //2nd half of code address
    bne t0 t2 $To jr ra
    lui t3 $XXXX //1st half of your code address (real addressing)
    lui t4 $XXXX //1st half of your code's OFF value
    ori t4 t4 $XXXX //2nd half of your code's OFF value
    sw t4 $XXXX(t3) //2nd half of code address
    jr ra

    if you have dma code


    lui t0 $XXXX //first half of controller (real addressing)
    lw t0 $XXXX //second half of controller(t0)
    lui t1 $XXXX //first half of pointer (real addressing)
    lw t1 $XXXX //second half of pointer(t1)
    addiu t2 zero $XXXX //button value on
    addiu t3 zero $XXXX //button value off
    bne t0 t2 $XXXX //next bne
    lui t4 $XXXX //first half of value on
    ori t4 t3 $XXXX //second half of value on
    sw t4 $XXXX //offset (t1)
    bne t0 t3 $XXXX //jump to jr ra
    lui t4 $XXXX//first half off value
    ori t4 t4 $XXXX//second half off value
    sw t4 $XXXX//offset(t1)
    jr ra

    hook value :

    press any address on ps2dis then enter "J $xxxxxxxx" - first line of your subroutine (real addressing)
    then just put the value you get next the hook you found before hand.

    why do we need a hook?

    because in almost every game it skips over the nop caves so you need a hook to just to your joker.

    finishing the code :

    press command P and then press copy. now copy what you get in to note pad.
    add 0x to the start of every line and every value and subtract "0880" from every line.
    now just copy it in your cheat device and your done!

    Post: #2Sun Apr 15, 2012 2:38 am




    Nice +rep Cool


    Post: #3Sun Apr 15, 2012 11:39 am



    Elite Member

    Good work cool guy

    Post: #4Sun Apr 15, 2012 11:39 am



    Senior Member

    thanks (:

    Post: #5Fri Jun 15, 2012 3:14 am

    Sys Req

    Sys Req

    Senior Member

    so u no how i mking air strike for SFLS im half way done and what does the "hook" do for my code do i need it

    Post: #6Fri Jun 15, 2012 3:14 am

    Sys Req

    Sys Req

    Senior Member

    and could yu also help me with the code

    Post: #7Fri Jun 15, 2012 8:37 am



    Senior Member

    you can post to [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] for anyone can help you. smile for you baby


    Post: #8Fri Jun 15, 2012 2:28 pm



    Senior Member

    Demon_Fire wrote:so u no how i mking air strike for SFLS im half way done and what does the "hook" do for my code do i need it

    basicly the hook just calls your subrotine. with out a hook your code will do nothing. just search 03e0008 and then add all the results nop all the address and when one freezes you that means its an active hook, use it.

    Post: #9Sat Jun 16, 2012 2:09 am

    Sys Req

    Sys Req

    Senior Member

    do i put in a random line of the code?

    Post: #10

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